Toyota Yaris: G16e-gts (engine Control) / Ignition System

Toyota Yaris XP210 (2020-2025) Reapir and Service Manual / Engine & Hybrid System / G16e-gts (engine Control) / Ignition System

Ignition Coil And Spark Plug

ComponentsCOMPONENTS ILLUSTRATION *1 SPARK PLUG *2 IGNITION COIL ASSEMBLY N*m (kgf*cm, ft.*lbf): Specified torque - - RemovalREMOVAL CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT The necessary procedures (adjustment, calibration, initialization or registration) that must be performed after parts are removed and installed, or replaced during ignition coil assembly or spark plug removal/installation are shown below...

Parts Location


Other information:

Toyota Yaris XP210 (2020-2025) Reapir and Service Manual: Dtc Check / Clear

DTC CHECK / CLEAR CHECK FOR DTC NOTICE: When DTC is output, Be sure to confirm and record. When using the GTS with the ignition switch off, connect the GTS to the DLC3 and turn a courtesy light switch on and off at intervals of 1.5 seconds or less until communication between the GTS and the vehicle begins...

Toyota Yaris XP210 (2020-2025) Reapir and Service Manual: Reassembly

REASSEMBLY CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT CAUTION: Wear protective gloves. Sharp areas on the parts may injure your hands. PROCEDURE 1. INSTALL BENCH TYPE REAR SEAT CUSHION COVER NOTICE: When installing a bench type rear seat cushion cover, refer to Precaution in order to prevent wrinkles from forming...


Liftgate/Trunk Lid


Never allow a person to ride in the luggage compartment/trunk

Allowing a person to ride in the luggage compartment/trunk is dangerous. The person in the luggage compartment/trunk could be seriously injured or killed during sudden braking or a collision.

Do not drive with the liftgate/trunk lid open

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