Toyota Yaris: Vehicle Exterior

Toyota Yaris XP210 (2020-2025) Reapir and Service Manual / Vehicle Exterior

Tire Repair Seal

DisposalDISPOSAL PROCEDURE 1. DISPOSE OF TIRE REPAIR SEAL HINT: Confirm the expiration date on the side of the repair seal bottle. (a) Dispose of the retrieved seal by consigning disposal to a waste disposal firm...

Door / Hatch


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Toyota Yaris XP210 (2020-2025) Reapir and Service Manual: Components


Toyota Yaris XP210 (2020-2025) Owner's Manual: Rearview Mirror

Rearview mirror adjustment Before driving, adjust the rearview mirror to center on the scene through the rear window. Reducing glare from headlights Adjust the mirror with the day/night lever in the day position. Push the day/night lever forward for day driving...


Key Suspend Function

If a key is left in the vehicle, the functions of the key left in the vehicle are temporarily suspended to prevent theft of the vehicle.

To restore the functions, press the unlock button on the functions-suspended key in the vehicle.

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