Toyota Yaris: Drivetrain / Clutch

Toyota Yaris XP210 (2020-2025) Reapir and Service Manual / Drivetrain / Clutch

Steering Knuckle

ComponentsCOMPONENTS ILLUSTRATION *1 FRONT AXLE HUB SUB-ASSEMBLY *2 FRONT DISC BRAKE DUST COVER *3 STEERING KNUCKLE *4 FRONT LOWER BALL JOINT ASSEMBLY *5 COTTER PIN - - Tightening torque for "Major areas involving basic vehicle performance such as moving/turning/stopping" : N*m (kgf*cm, ft...

Clutch Master Cylinder


Other information:

Toyota Yaris XP210 (2020-2025) Reapir and Service Manual: Data List / Active Test

DATA LIST / ACTIVE TEST NOTICE: In the table below, the values listed under "Normal Condition" are reference values. Do not depend solely on these reference values when deciding whether a part is faulty or not. HINT: Using the GTS to read the Data List allows the values or states of switches, sensors, actuators and other items to be read without removing any parts...

Toyota Yaris XP210 (2020-2025) Reapir and Service Manual: Customize Parameters

CUSTOMIZE PARAMETERS CUSTOMIZE POWER MIRROR CONTROL SYSTEM NOTICE: When the customer requests a change in a function, first make sure that the function can be customized. Record the current settings before customizing. HINT: The following items can be customized...


Liftgate/Trunk Lid


Never allow a person to ride in the luggage compartment/trunk

Allowing a person to ride in the luggage compartment/trunk is dangerous. The person in the luggage compartment/trunk could be seriously injured or killed during sudden braking or a collision.

Do not drive with the liftgate/trunk lid open

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