Toyota Yaris: G16e-gts (engine Control) / Camshaft Position Sensor

Toyota Yaris XP210 (2020-2025) Reapir and Service Manual / Engine & Hybrid System / G16e-gts (engine Control) / Camshaft Position Sensor

Camshaft Oil Control Valve (for Intake Side)

ComponentsCOMPONENTS ILLUSTRATION *1 CAMSHAFT TIMING GEAR BOLT - - N*m (kgf*cm, ft.*lbf): Specified torque - - On-vehicle InspectionON-VEHICLE INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1...


COMPONENTS ILLUSTRATION *A for Intake Side *B for Exhaust Side *1 CAMSHAFT POSITION SENSOR *2 IGNITION COIL ASSEMBLY *3 ENGINE WIRE *4 O-RING Tightening torque for "Major areas involving basic vehicle performance such as moving/turning/stopping" : N*m (kgf*cm, ft...

Other information:

Toyota Yaris XP210 (2020-2025) Reapir and Service Manual: Lost Communication With ECM/PCM "A" Missing Message (U010087,U011487,U012987,U013187,U014087,U015187,U016887,U023587,U023A87,U111287,U113387)

DESCRIPTION The combination meter assembly communicates with each ECU via CAN communication. DTC No. Detection Item DTC Detection Condition Trouble Area U010087 Lost Communication With ECM/PCM "A" Missing Message Diagnosis Condition: The ignition switch is ON IG power source voltage is 9...

Toyota Yaris XP210 (2020-2025) Reapir and Service Manual: Installation

INSTALLATION CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT NOTICE: This procedure includes the installation of small-head bolts. Refer to Small-Head Bolts of Basic Repair Hint to identify the small-head bolts. Click here PROCEDURE 1. TEMPORARILY INSTALL FUEL PUMP ASSEMBLY NOTICE: When replacing the fuel pump assembly, it is necessary to replace the No...


Break-In Period

No special break-in is necessary, but a few precautions in the first 600 miles (1,000 km) may add to the performance, economy, and life of the vehicle.

Do not race the engine. Do not maintain one constant speed, either slow or fast, for a long period of time. Do not drive constantly at full-throttle or high engine rpm for extended periods of time. Avoid unnecessary hard stops. Avoid full-throttle starts.

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